• Michigan oil spill harms wildlife, forces residents to evacuate

    Updated: 2010-07-31 01:42:38
    On Monday, a disastrous leak in one of the world’s largest pipeline systems gushed over 1 million gallons of oil into the Kalamazoo River, located in southwest Michigan.  Think Progress has the story in this cross-post. Already, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm has declared the area a disaster zone, quickly activating State Emergency Operations Center [...]

  • Do fish drink? – Decorative Ponds & Water Gardens Q & A – Week Ending July 31st

    Updated: 2010-07-30 20:29:12
    You would think that your koi need a drink of water like the desert needs another grain of sand but just like us; they too need a little refreshment from time to time. Koi utilize water to maintain proper body functions the same as us but they just do it a little bit differently.

  • The Politics of Climate Engineering as a Response to Global Warming

    Updated: 2010-07-30 18:49:03
    I urge you to read this paper by Clive Hamilton, which you can download at http://docs.google.com/fileview It is one of the most important – and terrifying – papers I have read in some time. Not only will it make you an expert on the various schemes for engineering the climate and their prospects for impact [...]

  • Video: Everything you wanted to know about climate science in under 10 minutes

    Updated: 2010-07-30 17:55:17
    James Powell, Executive Director, National Physical Science Consortium, has produced an excellent YouTube video summarizing the evidence for anthropogenic global warming Powell is a former college and museum president.  “President Reagan and later, President George H. W. Bush, both appointed [...]

  • Energy and Global Warming News for July 30th: Solar-power industry hits magic number; Fight gears up on biomass; Fossil fuel subsidies are 12 times support for renewables — study

    Updated: 2010-07-30 17:30:25
    Solar-Power Industry Hits Magic Number While some investors feel they’re still waiting for the sun to rise on the solar energy industry, it’s already high noon for some parts of the sector. In some places in the U.S. today, solar photovoltaic, PV, technology—the iconic glass panels being deployed on home and business rooftops—already allows users to beat [...]

  • Food prices could soar up by 40 percent in next decade, UN reports warns

    Updated: 2010-07-29 22:05:45
    Global prices of food could climb by as much as 40 percent in the coming decade, as the global population continues to surge, a new United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report released today says. The Agriculture Outlook 2010-19 anticipates that wheat and coarse grain prices could jump to levels of between 15 and [...]

  • Help Fund a Documentary on Haiti’s Long-Term Food Crisis

    Updated: 2010-07-29 19:01:52
    Heard much about post-quake Haiti recently? Probably not, unless you’re really digging for news on it… after the initial shock and horror, the cameras and reporters seemed to move on.  And even when they were there, they focused on the immediate crisis… very few dealt with any history that could’ve helped answer the question “How [...]

  • Raising Appliance Efficiency: A Big Win for Consumers and the Climate

    Updated: 2010-07-29 14:13:43
    By Lester R. Brown There are enormous opportunities to use energy more efficiently. Investing in energy efficiency is often far cheaper than expanding the energy supply to meet growing demand. Efficiency investments typically yield a high rate of return, saving consumers money, and can help fight climate change by avoiding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from burning [...]

  • Shrinking glaciers to spark food shortages

    Updated: 2010-07-28 21:42:04
    Nearly 60 million people living around the Himalayas will suffer food shortages in the coming decades as glaciers shrink and the water sources for crops dry up, a study said Thursday. But Dutch scientists writing in the journal Science concluded the impact would be much less than previously estimated a few years ago by the [...]

  • A Participatory Assessment of Sa Pagsikat Ng Araw

    Updated: 2010-07-28 21:38:25
    Below is a chapter on PMC’s program in the Philippines, Sa Pagsikat Ng Araw, that appeared in the book The Interrelationship of Business and Communication. The Participatory Assessment of was written by Arvind Singhal, Elizabeth Rattine-Flaherty and Molly A. Mayer. Can Communication Be Socially Responsible & Commercially Viable? (PDF, 822 KB)

  • Participatory Assessment of Ahreat Al Amal

    Updated: 2010-07-28 21:27:46
    Below is an article from Investigacion y Desarrollo featuring a participatory assessment of PMC’s program in Sudan, Ahreat Al Amal. The participatory assessment was written by Karen Greiner, Arvind Singhal and Sarah Hurlburt. With an antenna we can stop the practice of female genital cutting (PDF, 1.45 MB)

  • Population Growth

    Updated: 2010-07-28 14:15:33
    Below is a video from MiND TV The growing world population affects food and water supplies, ecological balance and the overall quality of life for everyone. This animation presents a variety of facts and projected statistics to reveal the severity of our growing population.

  • Let the EPA know that their strategic plan for 2011-2015 should include population and sustainability issues

    Updated: 2010-07-27 20:49:29
    To very little fanfare, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its Draft FY 2011-2015 Strategic Plan (PDF) (57pp, 282K) for public review and comment. Thanks to Joyce Tarnow for alerting me to the public comment period, which ends this Friday, July 30th. As of now, there are very few public remarks, so it [...]

  • The peak oil crisis: China’s latest drought

    Updated: 2010-07-27 20:46:42
    Thanks to the Post Carbon Institute for this article. ———————- We all need to pause for a minute and consider the possible implications of the droughts that are engulfing China. One of these is in the north — Inner Mongolia, and the second more serious one covers most of southwestern China. If the weather patterns [...]

  • World Bank and OECD say water is a finite resource that must be valued at a higher price in order to repair old supply systems and build new ones

    Updated: 2010-07-27 20:45:43
    Thanks to Frank Arundel for this article. ——————- Major economies are pushing for substantial increases in the price of water around the world as concern mounts about dwindling supplies and rising population. With official UN figures showing that 1 billion people lack access to clean drinking water and more than double that number do not [...]

  • Mega-meta-model manager

    Updated: 2010-07-24 01:57:04
    As Barry Brook just mentioned over at BraveNewClimate.com, I’ll be travelling with him and several of our lab to Chicago tomorrow to work on some new aspects of linked climate, disease, meta-population, demographic and vegetation modelling. Barry has this to say, so I won’t bother re-inventing the wheel: … working for a week with Dr Robert [...]

  • Barley Vs. Chemical Algae Control – Decorative Ponds & Water Gardens Q & A – Week Ending July 24th

    Updated: 2010-07-23 23:33:51
    While you don’t enjoy seeing algae in your pond you may also not be to enthusiastic about adding chemicals to remedy the problem. Fortunately you have another option when it comes to algae control additives before you resort to chemical treatments.

  • Reducing mosquitoes in my pond – Pond & Lake Q & A – Week Ending July 24th

    Updated: 2010-07-23 23:22:52
    A great way to spend your evenings at home is to sit out in your yard and enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery. It is nothing short of maddening to be chased back into your home by hundreds of swarming mosquitoes buzzing around your head and painfully biting your arms, neck, and legs. You can use citronella candles and bug spray to keep them at bay but you’ll have much more luck if you treat the source directly.

  • Reminder: Singularity Summit 2010 in August

    Updated: 2010-07-21 03:17:03
    : We are on the verge of a revolution in medicine : understanding , treating , and ultimately preventing the causes of degenerative aging . But medical revolutions only happen if we all stand up in support of funding and research . We did it for cancer . We're doing it for Alzheimer's . We can do it for aging and create an era of longer , healthier lives Email Contact reason at- fightaging dot- org Search The Causes of Aging Accumulating AGEs Buildup of Amyloid Between Cells The Failing Adaptive Immune System The Failing Innate Immune System Declining Lysosomal Function Mitochondrial DNA Damage Senescent Cells Other Causes of Aging Required Reading Calorie Restriction The Community , Visualized Cryonics Engineered Negligible Senescence Envisaging a World Without the FDA Healthy Life

  • TransVision 2010: October in Milan

    Updated: 2010-07-20 02:28:23
    : We are on the verge of a revolution in medicine : understanding , treating , and ultimately preventing the causes of degenerative aging . But medical revolutions only happen if we all stand up in support of funding and research . We did it for cancer . We're doing it for Alzheimer's . We can do it for aging and create an era of longer , healthier lives Email Contact reason at- fightaging dot- org Search The Causes of Aging Accumulating AGEs Buildup of Amyloid Between Cells The Failing Adaptive Immune System The Failing Innate Immune System Declining Lysosomal Function Mitochondrial DNA Damage Senescent Cells Other Causes of Aging Required Reading Calorie Restriction The Community , Visualized Cryonics Engineered Negligible Senescence Envisaging a World Without the FDA Healthy Life

  • International Congress for Conservation Biology 2010 overview

    Updated: 2010-07-18 14:12:19
    A few posts ago I promised a brief overview of the 2010 International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB) that I attended last week in Edmonton, Canada. Here it is. While acknowledging that it is impossible for any single individual to attend all talks at a congress of this size given that there were usually around [...]

  • How can I keep my waterfall free of algae and buildup? – Decorative Ponds & Water Gardens Q & A – Week Ending July 17th

    Updated: 2010-07-16 22:52:07
    While the warm sunny weather is great for enjoying the outdoors this summer, it can also create some headaches in your water garden. A lot of you may notice that your stream and waterfalls are growing a nice coat of green algae as we continue through the warmer summer months.

  • Conservation Letters citation statistics

    Updated: 2010-07-15 02:34:21
    As most CB readers will know, the ‘new’ (as of 2008) conservation journal kid on the block that I co-edit, Conservation Letters, was ISI-listed this year. This allows us to examine our citation statistics and make some informed guesses about the journal’s Impact Factor that should be ascribed next year. Here are some stats: We [...]

  • Big Blog Theory Finalist: please vote

    Updated: 2010-07-13 08:05:19
    Just a quick post to mention that ConservationBytes.com has been chosen as a finalist in the 2010 National Science Week‘s Big Blog Theory Australia’s Best Science Blogger competition. Voting starts now, and I need votes to win! If you enjoy my posts, please vote for me by navigating to this website. Thanks for your support! [...]

  • What is the real difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic bacteria? – Pond & Lake Q & A – Week Ending July 10th

    Updated: 2010-07-10 06:09:10
    What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that you have bacteria in your pond? You probably think that your pond is dirty, or it may cause disease or get you sick. The truth is while some bacteria are associated with negative effects, bacteria are present in any functioning ecosystem diligently working behind the scenes to maintain a healthy and balanced environment. If you properly maintain your pond you will create an environment that promotes the presence of beneficial bacteria.

  • How do you spot a sick fish? – Decorative Ponds & Water Gardens Q & A – Week Ending July 10th

    Updated: 2010-07-10 06:07:43
    You treat your pets like children so it is easy to understand how upsetting it can be when one of them falls ill or does not feel well. While your children are able to tell you where it hurts, it is a bit more difficult to figure out what ales your fish. For this reason alone it is a great idea to focus on prevention instead of waiting to cure. What can you do to prevent fish illness and how can you tell if your fish may be coming down with something?

  • Killing us slowly

    Updated: 2010-07-06 14:36:29
    I’m currently attending the 2010 International Congress for Conservation Biology in Edmonton, Canada. I thought it would be good to tweet and blog my way through on topics that catch my attention. This is my second post from the conference. – I silently scoffed inside when the plenary speaker was being introduced. It was boldly claimed that [...]

  • Failure of the CBD 2010 targets

    Updated: 2010-07-05 01:52:26
    I’m currently attending the 2010 International Congress for Conservation Biology in Edmonton, Canada. I thought it would be good to tweet and blog my way through on topics that catch my attention. – Yesterday I attended one memorable presentation by Bastian Bomhard of the United Nations Environment Programme‘s (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC). He [...]

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